Return policy: In the unlikely event that any service you have ordered from us is not received in good condition, defective, or if service delivered is different from what you had ordered, you may return the service unused, in the same condition as you received it, in its original packaging along with original tags, for a refund or an exchange, on the same day of which these services are delivered. If customer received damage / broken service he/she need to informed us within 24 hrs. Services damaged while being used do not qualify for a refund or replacement. In case we are unable to replace the damaged / defective service, we will refund your amount. We will not accept returns if the service is not to your liking post installation at the site or if customer misplaced an order understanding the functionality of the broadband service. All shipping and logistics charges of returning the service will be borne by the customer. WE REQUEST ALL OUR CUSTOMERS TO VERIFY THE SERVICE WHILE INSTALLATION IS IN PROGRESS AND REPORT ANY DAMAGES TO OUR CUSTOMER CARE IMMEDIATELY.
Online payment: The amount which would be refunded would be the same as received from the online Payment Gateway partner. Any deductions done before we receive the payment would be borne by the customer. All payment received for services or services purchased from us are covered under the Razor pay Refund policy. A valid physical or digital receipt should be available at the time of requesting for a refund.
Dual Payment: In case of dual payment complete documentary evidence of the dual payment would have to be provided in hard copy or via email.
Recharges and Bill Payments: Orders once placed, will not be allowed to cancel and no refund will be issued. We suggest you to check your order information twice before making your payment. On the other hand, if for any reason, the payment was made i.e., your credit card, debit card or bank account was charged but you did not receive the recharge within 24 hours then you should contact our support team with all the information such as operator name, order number, recharge amount, region, mobile number or INTERJET account number and so on. We may request for additional information from you if necessary.
After investigating, if the claim is verified then your money will be refunded back to you within 7 working days from the date the claim was first reported. In cases where the payment was made but the recharge amount requested was marked as an invalid by the operator then this amount will be moved to your account balance or wallet, which can be used against any of the future recharge purchases. Note the information related to recharge vouchers, special packs, rate cutters, plans and its related offering on the site is only a guide and should be verified with the operator before making any purchases.
We will not be held responsible or liable for up-to-date details on the plan pricing and offering. This topic applies equally well to the bill payment service as well. Since recharge and bill payment services are digitally or electronically delivered, the same cannot be returned back on any condition. We are only a reseller of such services.